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Restsalg af arbejdstøj & sikkerhedsudstyr

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In order to improve our business processes, AO uses EDI in the day-to-day business operations with our suppliers. EDI can be very useful and provide benefits for all parties in the supply chain. It has strong capabilities and supports all major business processes, including the intake of orders, invoicing, bookkeeping, logistics, and the receipt of goods.

The most important advantages of EDI are as follows:

• Time-saving document handling
• Cost reduction through automated bookkeeping
• Cost reduction through automated document distribution
• Better data quality as data only have to be entered once
• Faster turn-around time from sender to recipient
• Improved cooperation within the supply chain
• Better control with automated validation and standardised documents.

AO will use EDI in all business processes where it is relevant and provides value.
In order to focus the efforts on EDI AO will focus on suppliers which sent more than 800 invoices annually. If you sent more than 800 invoices AO will contact you to establish EDI on all relevant areas.


Subscribe to EDI or PDF
You can subscribe to EDI or PDF-invoicing by clicking one of the two links below. The link will open an email. Please send us company name, VAT number, Country, GLN/EAN location number and name, email and phone for a Business Contact, aTechnical Contact and an Operational Contact.


Contacts available:

Carina Christiansen
Projektmanager - EDI
[email protected]